Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Arriving On The Island

On August 23rd, after a long roadtrip from California to Wisconsin, and a flight from Wiscosin to North Carolina, we headed to the Charlotte airport for our final leg of the journey. Our bags were packed (for the 4th time in a month), the cats were tucked away in their carriers (and not happy about it), and we had our tickets in hand. Our first flight took us to San Juan, Puerto Rico. From there, we got on a smaller plane that took us the rest of the way to St. Kitts. The smaller plane was a surprisingly smooth ride, and as we approached the island, we could clearly see Ross University below us. We got through customs easily, received new stamps in our passports, and found our luggage quickly. Ross University representatives were outside waiting, and greeted us with hugs. From there, we boarded a bus with other new students, and headed out.
Our first stop was the grocery store. Most students and their parents stocked up on food to bring to their new apartments....Cory and I headed straight to the pet section for cat litter! When we checked in for our flight in Charlotte, our bags were over the weight limit, so we ended up throwing away all the cat litter we had along. So that was our one necessity at the store! From there, they dropped us off at our apartments one by one.

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